1. Perform_input_output.
2. Enter two numbers and find their sum.
3. Enter two numbers and perform all arithmetic operations.
4. Enter length and breadth of rectangle and print perimeter.
5. Enter length and breadth of rectangle and print area.
6. Enter radius of a circle and find its diameter, circumference and area.
7. Enter length in centimeter and convert it into meter and kilometer.
8. Enter temperature in celsius and convert it into fahrenheit.
9. Enter temperature in fahrenheit and convert it into celsius.
10. Convert days into years, weeks and days.
11. Find power of any number x^y.
12. Enter any number and calculate its square root.
13. Enter two angles of a triangle and find th third angle.
14. Enter base and height of a triangle and find its area.
15. Calculate area of an equilateral triangle.
16. Enter marks of five subjects and calculate total, average and percentage.
17. Enter P, T, R and calculate simple interest.
18. Maximum between two numbers.
1. Natural numbers from 1 to N.
2. Natural numbers in reverse from 1 to N.
3. Alphabets from a to z.
4. Even numbers between 1 to 100.
5. Odd numbers between 1 to 100.
6. Sum of all odd numbers between 1 to N.
7. Sum of all even numbers between 1 to n.
8. Sum of all natural numbers between 1 to N.
9. Multiplication table of any number.
10. Count number of digits in a number.
11. First and last digit of a number.
12. Sum of first and last digit of a number.
13. Swap first and last digits of a number.
14. Sum of digits of a number.
15. Product of digit of a number.
16. Enter a number and print its reverse.
17. Number is palindrome or not.
18. Frequency of each digit in a given integer.
19. Enter a number and print it in words.
20. All ASCII character with their values.
21. Power of a number.
22. All factors of a number.
23. Factorial of a number.
24. HCF (GCD) of two numbers.
25. LCM of two numbers.
26. Number is prime number or not.
27. All Perfect numbers between 1 to N.
28. Sum of all Prime numbers between 1 to N.
29. All prime factors of a number.
30. Number is Armstrong number or not.
31. All Armstrong number between 1 to N.
32. Number is Perfect number or not.
33. All Perfect numbers between 1 to N.
34. Number is Strong number or not.
35. All Strong numbers between 1 to N.
36. Fibonacci series up to n terms.
1. Write a C program to perform input/output of all basic data types.
2. Write a C program to enter two numbers and find their sum.
3. Write a program to enter two numbers and perform all arithmetic operations.
4. Write a C program to enter length and breadth of a rectangle and find its perimeter.
5. Write a C program to enter length and breadth of a rectangle and find its area.
6. Write a C program to enter radius of a circle and find its diameter, circumference and area.
7. Write a C program to enter length in centimeter and convert it into meter and kilometer.
8. Write a C program to enter temperature in celsius and convert it into fahrenheit.
9. Write a C program to enter temperature in fahrenheit and convert it into celsius.
10. Write a C program to convert days into years, weeks and days.
11. Write a C program to find power of any number x^y.
12. Write a C program to enter any number and calculate its square root.
13. Write a C program to enter two angles of a triangle and find th third angle.
14. Write a C program to enter base and height of a triangle and find its area.
15. Write a C program to calculate area of an equilateral triangle.
16. Write a C program to enter marks of five subjects and calculate total, average and percentage.
17. Write a C program to enter P, T, R and calculate simple interest.
18. Write a C program to Find maximum between two numbers.
Conditional Operator
1. Write a C program to find maximum between two numbers using conditional operator.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,b;printf("Enter any two numbers : ");scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);(a>b)?printf("%d is greater",a):printf("%d is greater",b);}
2. Write a C program to find maximum between three numbers using conditional operator.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,b,c;printf("Enter any three numbers : ");scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);(a>b)?(a>c?printf("%d is greatest",a):printf("%d is greatest",c)):(b>c?printf("%d is greatest",b):printf("%d is greatest",c));}
3. Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd using conditional operator.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);(n%2==0)?printf("%d is even",n):printf("%d is odd",n);}
4. Write a C program to check whether a year is leap year or not using conditional operator.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int year;printf("Enter any year : ");scanf("%d",&year);(year%100==0)?(year%400==0?printf("%d is leap year",year):printf("%d is not leap year",year)):(year%4==0?printf("%d is leap year",year):printf("%d is not leap year",year));}
5. Write a C program to check whether character is an alphabet or not using conditional operator.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){char c;printf("Enter any character : ");scanf("%c",&c);(c>='a' && c<='z')?printf("%c is alphabet",c):printf("%c is not alphabet",c);}
If else
1. Write a C program to find maximum between two numbers.
If else if...else
For loop
While loop
1. Write a C program to print all natural numbers from 1 to N.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){printf("%d ",i);i++;}}
2. Write a C program to print all natural numbers in reverse from 1 to N.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){printf("%d ",n);n--;}}
3. Write a C program to print all alphabets from a to z.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){char c='a';while(c<='z'){printf("%c ",c);c++;}}
4. Write a C program to print all even numbers between 1 to 100.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i = 1, n = 100;while (i <= n){if (i % 2 == 0){printf("%d ", i);}i++;}}
5. Write a C program to print all odd numbers between 1 to 100.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=1,n=100;while(i<=n){if(i%2==1){printf("%d ",i);}i++;}}
6. Write a C program to find sum of all odd numbers between 1 to N.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=1,n,sum=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){if(i%2==1){sum=sum+i;}i++;}printf("Sum of odd numbers between 1 to %d : %d",n,sum);}
7. Write a C program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to n.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=1,n,sum=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){if(i%2==0){sum=sum+i;}i++;}printf("Sum of all even number between 1 to %d : %d",n,sum);}
8. Write a C program to find sum of all natural numbers between 1 to N.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=0,n,sum=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){sum=sum+i;i++;}printf("Sum between 1 to %d : %d",n,sum);}
9. Write a C program to print multiplication table of any number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=1,n;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=10){printf("%d X %d = %d\n",n,i,n*i);i++;}}
10. Write a C program to count number of digits in a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,count=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){count++;n=n/10;}printf("Digits in given number : %d",count);}
11. Write a C program to find first and last digit of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,f,l;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);l=n%10;while(n>9){n=n/10;}f=n;printf("First digit : %d\nLast digit : %d",f,l);}
12. Write a C program to find sum of first and last digit of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,f,l;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);l=n%10;while(n>9){n=n/10;}f=n;printf("First digit : %d\nLast digit : %d\n",f,l);printf("First and last digit sum : %d",f+l);}
13. Write a C program to swap first and last digits of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,f,l,tmp,multiple=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);tmp=n;l=n%10;while(tmp>9){tmp=tmp/10;multiple=multiple*10;}f=tmp%10;n=n-l;n=n+f;n=n-(f*multiple);n=n+(l*multiple);printf("After swapping : %d",n);}
14. Write a C program to calculate sum of digits of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,sum=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){sum=sum+(n%10);n=n/10;}printf("Sum of digits of a number : %d",sum);}
15. Write a C program to calculat product of digit of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,product=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){product=product*(n%10);n=n/10;}printf("Product of digits of a number : %d",product);}
16. Write a C program to enter a number and print its reverse.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,res=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){res=(res*10)+n%10;n=n/10;}printf("Reverse of number : %d",res);}
17. Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,tmp,res=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);tmp=n;while(tmp>0){res=(res*10)+tmp%10;tmp=tmp/10;}if(res==n){printf("PALINDROME");}else{printf("NOT PALINDROME");}}
18. Write a C program to find frequency of each digit in a given integer.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,a[10]={0};printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){a[n%10]++;n=n/10;}for (n=0;n<10;n++){if(a[n]!=0){printf("Frequency of %d : %d\n",n,a[n]);}}}
19. Write a C program to enter a number and print it in words.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i=0,n,tmp[20]={0};char num[10][10]={"Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"};printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){tmp[i++]=n%10;n=n/10;}while(i>0){printf("%s ",num[tmp[--i]]);}}
20. Write a C program to print all ASCII character with their values.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i = 0;while (i < 255){printf("Character %c : %d\n", i, i);i++;}}
21. Write a C program to find power of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,p,res=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);printf("Enter power : ");scanf("%d",&p);printf("%d the power of %d : ",n,p);while(p>0){res=res*n;p--;}printf("%d",res);}
22. Write a C to find all factors of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){if(n%i==0){printf("%d, ",i);}i++;}}
23. Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,fact=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while (n>0){fact=fact*n;n--;}printf("Factorial is : %d",fact);}
24. Write a C program to find HCF (GCD) of two numbers.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n1,n2,i=1,hcf;printf("Enter first number : ");scanf("%d",&n1);printf("Enter second number : ");scanf("%d",&n2);while(i<=n1 && i<=n2){if(n1%i==0 && n2%i==0){hcf=i;}i++;}printf("HCF : %d",hcf);}
25. Write a C program to find LCM of two numbers.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n1,n2,i=1,hcf;printf("Enter first number : ");scanf("%d",&n1);printf("Enter second number : ");scanf("%d",&n2);while(i<=n1 && i<=n2){if(n1%i==0 && n2%i==0){hcf=i;}i++;}printf("HCF : %d",(n1*n2)/hcf);}
26. Write a c program to check whether a number is prime number or not.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=2;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<n/2+1){if(n%i==0){break;}i++;}if(n/2+1==i){printf("Given number is Prime number.");}else{printf("Given number is not Prime number.");}}
27. Write a C program to print all Perfect numbers between 1 to N.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1,j,per;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){per=0;j=1;while(j<i){if(i%j==0){per=per+j;}j++;}if(per==i){printf("%d ",i);}i++;}}
28. Write a C program to find sum of all Prime numbers between 1 to N.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1,j,per,sum=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){per=0;j=1;while(j<i){if(i%j==0){per=per+j;}j++;}if(per==i){sum=sum+i;printf("%d ",i);}i++;}printf("\nSum is : %d",sum);}
29. Write a c program to find all prime factors of a number.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){int n,i,j;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);for(i=1;i<n;i++){if(n%i==0){j=2;while(j<i/2+1){if(i%j==0){break;}j++;}if(i/2+1==j){printf("%d ",i);}}}}
30. Write a C program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.
#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){int n,arm=0,tmp,len=0,rem,j;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);tmp=n;while (tmp>0){len++;tmp=tmp/10;}tmp=n;while (tmp>0){rem=1;j=0;while(j<len){rem=rem*(tmp%10);j++;}arm=arm+rem;tmp=tmp/10;}if(arm==n){printf("Given number is Armstrong number.");}else{printf("Given number is not Armstrong number.");}}
31. Write a C program to print all Armstrong number between 1 to N.
#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){int n,arm,tmp,len,rem,i=1,j;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<n){tmp=i;arm=0;len=0;while (tmp>0){len++;tmp=tmp/10;}tmp=i;while (tmp>0){rem=1;j=0;while(j<len){rem=rem*(tmp%10);j++;}arm=arm+rem;tmp=tmp/10;}if(arm==i){printf("%d ",i);}i++;}}
32. Write a C program to check whether a number is Perfect number or not.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1,per=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<n){if(n%i==0){per=per+i;}i++;}if(per==n){printf("Given number is Perfect number.");}else{printf("Given number is not Perfect number.");}}
33. Write a C program to print all Perfect numbers between 1 to N.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,i=1,j,per;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){per=0;j=1;while(j<i){if(i%j==0){per=per+j;}j++;}if(per==i){printf("%d ",i);}i++;}}
34. Write a C program to check whether a number is Strong number or not.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,tmp,i,fact,strong=0;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);tmp=n;while (tmp>0){i=tmp%10;fact=1;while(i>0){fact=fact*i;i--;}strong=strong+fact;tmp=tmp/10;}if(n==strong){printf("Given number is Strong number.");}else{printf("Given number is not Strong number.");}}
35. Write a C program to print all Strong numbers between 1 to N.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,tmp,i=1,j,fact,strong;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(i<=n){strong=0;tmp=i;while (tmp>0){j=tmp%10;fact=1;while(j>0){fact=fact*j;j--;}strong=strong+fact;tmp=tmp/10;}if(i==strong){printf("%d ",i);}i++;}}
36. Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms.
#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n,first=0,second=1;printf("Enter any number : ");scanf("%d",&n);while(n>0){printf("%d ",second);second=first+second;first=second-first;n--;}}
Do while loop
Switch case
Computer Network
1. Write a C program to get the MAC or physical address of the system using Address Resolution Protocol in C.